Communication and Power
The Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Mato Grosso aggregates research that discuss the various forms of relationship between Communication and Power. Communication and Power assumes that both processes and communication practices as the aesthetic and narrative context objects are permeated by relations and flows of power.
The scope of the course aggregates political discussions that go beyond the party conception, articulating sociocultural, symbolic processes and communicative mediations from a citizen perspective, of communication as an arena of public debate, of the possibilities of democratic development, of representation of the diverse and possible communicative formats on the challenges of contemporary times.
Similarly, Communication and Power includes objects of research focusing on the narrative and aesthetic compositions, the materiality of media productions, uses and practices that challenge researchers to look beyond the technical aspects involving communication processes, although the technical scope is the constituent and essential to the understanding of aesthetic, narrative and discursive constructions.
Line of Research in Politics and Citizenship
Politics and Citizenship focuses on sociability relations, through the study of subjects and objects imbricated in Power Relations. It focuses on the socio-cultural prefigurations that give rise to media objects and also on the refiguration of these media objects when they are appropriated by the subjects.
Line of Research in Aesthetics and Narratives
Aesthetics and Narratives emphasizes the materiality configurations of media objects. It observes how the aesthetic and narrative issues of media objects reflect discursive structures and produce meanings related to power relations in society.