Permanent teachers
Andréa Ferraz Fernandez | Currículo Lattes
Post-doctorate in Audiovisual Communication from UMA – University of Malaga (Spain). Doctor of Information Ergonomics. Professor at PPGCOM and ECCO, both graduate programs at UFMT – Federal University of Mato Grosso. Professor of undergraduate courses in Cinema and Audiovisual and Radialism, from the same university. Leader of the MID Research Group, Digital Interactive Media, registered in the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq. Researcher of the Media Research Group and communicative mediations of culture (UFMS). It belongs to the research database SICA -Andalucia’s Scientific Information System, affiliated to the Higher Council for Scientific Research from Spain. At PPGCOM, she works on Line 2 – Aesthetics and Narratives.
Areas of interest: narratives and media structures; local cinema and audiovisual production; identity, regional intangible culture; fictional and non-fictional communication objects; scientific dissemination by digital media.
Bruno Bernardo de Araújo | Currículo Lattes
PhD in Communication from the University of Brasília with a doctoral internship at the Media and Journalism Research Center, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Master in Communication and Journalism and Graduated in Journalism, both from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Professor at PPGCOM and the journalism course at UFMT. Researcher at the Research Group on Communication, Politics and Citizenship (CICLO / UFMT). It also integrates the Communication, Journalism and Public Space Group, of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20) of the University of Coimbra and the Communication Institute of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. At PPGCOM, he works on Line 1 – Politics and Citizenship.
Areas of interest: Communication and Politics; Political Journalism; Media and Democracy; Sense Production; Journalistic Discourse and Narrative; Methodologies.

Cristóvão Domingos de Almeida | Currículo Lattes
PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, with a postdoctoral degree in Communication at the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing in São Paulo. Master in Education from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Graduated in Public Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Power and the Advertising course at UFMT. He is vice-leader of the CRIANEGRA: Culture, Communication and Education Research Group and is part of the Brazil Multi-World Research Group. He works as editor and evaluator of Scientific Journals, evaluator of undergraduate courses (MEC / Inep) and is part of the Intercom Citizenship Communication GP. At PPGCOM, he works on Line 1 – Politics and citizenship.
Areas of interest: Communication and Migration; Citizenship; Social activisms; Communication, Blackness and Cultural Practices.

Jociene Carla Bianchini F. Pedrini | Currículo Lattes
PhD in Education from UFU (Federal University of Uberlândia) and Master in Social Communication from UNIMAR (University of Marília). Graduated in Journalism from Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (2005) and Literature from Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis (2008). Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication and Power at UFMT (Campus Cuiabá) and in the Journalism course at UFMT (Campus Universitário do Araguaia). Experience in Journalism, Pedagogy and Literature with an emphasis on regional and local journalism, environmental journalism, graphic planning, visual creation, training of university professors, educommunication. At PPGCOM, she works on Line 1 – Politics and Citizenship.
Areas of interest: Environmental Journalism; Communication and Environment; Graphic Planning; Visual Creation; Teacher training; Educommunication.

Letícia Xavier de Lemos Capanema | Currículo Lattes
PhD and Master in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical University of São Paulo, with a doctoral internship at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. She has a double degree in Radialism and Advertising, with additional training in Cinema at UFMG. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and of the degrees in Radialism and in Cinema and Audiovisual at UFMT. Researcher in the audiovisual field, with an interest in Cinema, Television, narrative and aesthetics of image and sound. She develops research on audiovisual narratives of the pandemic and on the narration of memory in cinema and on TV. At PPGCOM, she works on Line 2 – Aesthetics and Narratives.
Areas of interest: Cinema; TV; Narratology; Audiovisual Aesthetics; Memory Narratives; Film Sound Studies.

Luãn José Vaz Chagas | Currículo Lattes
PhD by the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGCOM Uerj) with a doctoral internship at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). Master by the Graduate Program in Journalism at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). Graduated in Journalism from the State University of the Midwest (Unicentro) with academic mobility at the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (Argentina). Professor at PPGCOM and at the journalism graduate at the Faculty of Communication and Arts of Federal University of Mato Grosso. Member of the Radio and Sound Media Group of Intercom and of the Network of Researchers in Radiojournalism (Radiojor) of SBPJOR. He currently coordinates the UFMT Radio and Podcast Extension Project (Comunicast) and works in research involving radio journalism and source selection, radio consumption and podcast production, interfaces between radio, politics and public interest, journalism and new routine settings. At PPGCOM, he works on Line 2 – Aesthetics and Narratives.
Areas of interest: radio; podcasts; seleção das fontes; radiojornalism; sound medium; politics; journalism theories; gatekeeping; gatewhatching.

Pâmela Saunders Uchôa Craveiro | Currículo Lattes
PhD and Master’s in Communication from the University of Vigo (UVIGO-Spain), with a postdoctoral in Communication from the Fluminense Federal University. Bachelor’s degree in Communication – Advertising from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Professor of the Communication Post-Graduation Program (PPGCOM) and of the Advertising Undergraduate Course of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). Researcher of the following research groups certified by CNPq: CICLO – Communication, Politics and Citizenship (UFMT), ESC – Ethics in the Consumption Society (UFF) and LabGrim – Laboratory of Studies on the Relation between Childhood, Youth and Media (UFC). Coordinator of the OPS – Observatory of Advertising and Society, as well as counselor professor of the experimental agency of communication, TOCA. At PPGCOM, she works on Line 1 – Politics and Citizenship.
Areas of interest: childhood; youth; advertising; consumption; advertising ethics; internet; media literacy.

Tamires Ferreira Coêlho | Currículo Lattes
PhD in Communication by the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Minas Gerais with a CAPES scholarship. Ph.D. sandwich at CELSA (School of Information and Communication Sciences), University Paris-Sorbonne, with PDSE / CAPES scholarship. Master in Communication Sciences by the Postgraduate Program in Communication Sciences at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Professor at the Department of Social Communication and at the Postgraduate Program in Communication at UFMT. She worked as a researcher associated with GRIPIC (Interdisciplinary research group in the information and communication process) between 2015 and 2016. She is vice-coordinator of CICLO / UFMT (Research Group on Communication, Politics and Citizenship), member of the Communication Processes Research Group: Epistemology, Media Coverage, Media and Reception – PROCESSOCOM (CNPq / CAPES / UNISINOS) and of the Thematic Network of Cooperation, Communication, Citizenship, Education and Integration in Latin America (Rede AmLat). Graduated in Social Communication / Journalism at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), with graduation exchange at the University of Minho. At PPGCOM, she works on Line 1 – Politics and Citizenship.
Areas of interest: Digital Journalism; Printed Journalism; Gender Inequality; Feminisms; Communities; Social networks; Aesthetics and Politics; Communication and Citizenship; Methodology.

Vinícius Guedes Pereira de Souza | Currículo Lattes
PhD and Master in Communication at UNIP, São Paulo. Graduated in Journalism at Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero (1992). Professor in journalism and post-graduation in Communication and Power at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT. Coordinator of the Research Group CICLO – Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação, Política e Cidadania-UFMT. Researcher in the Alterjor-ECA-USP research group. Freelance photographer, journalist and documentary filmmaker. Founder and collaborator of MediaQuatro and the Jornalistas Livres collective. At PPGCOM, he works on Line 2 – Aesthetics and Narratives.
Areas of interest: image; communication and human rights; journalism; photojournalism; documentary; alternative media; memory and imaginary.
Collaborating teachers

Pedro Pinto de Oliveira | Currículo Lattes
PhD in Communication from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil), a Post-doc in Communications and Arts from the Beira Interior University (UBI/Portugal), and a Master of Communication Science from the Communications and Arts Faculty of the University of São Paulo (USP/Brazil). Journalist, as well as Associate Researcher and collaborating Professor of PPGCOM, he is part of the Research Programme on Contemporary Culture in the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT/Brazil). With a Journalism degree, he is the vice-head of UFMT’s Multimundos Research Group and researcher in the Inter-institutional Network of Events and Public Figures (PPGCOM/UFMG). He develops and tutors research in two overlapping fields: a) Studies on power tensions and democracy instabilities – social and cultural processes observed from notions of Events and Public Figures; b) Reflections and experimentation in audio-visual writing modalities, such as Cinema Journalism and Scientific Audio-visual Essay. As collaborating journalist, he produces and edits Scientific Journalism content for the website
Areas of interest: Communication and Politics; Events and Public Figures; Cinematographic and Audiovisual and Scientific Journalism; Communication Theory and Philosophy; Audiences and Audiences.